Today is:
13 January 2025



Sharing with you, our client’s feedback.


I just wanted to send you a note to say thanks for the great support you gave us on Sat. We made it back to Futenma just 17 minutes before the field closed. This is a direct result of the outstanding service we received from you and your staff. You had food ready for us when we arrived and refueling began within minutes of shutdown. According to the GPS on the aircraft, we only spent a total of 26 minutes on the ground at Manila, and a good part of that time was consumed by taxi and starting. Without the excellent service that you provided for us, we would have had to land at Kadena on Sat and return to Futenma this morning, which would have delayed other operations we have today and incurred additional expenses.

Please pass on to all of your staff our heartfelt thanks for a job well done. You should be very proud of your ability to accomplish a 26-minute turn around!


LtCol Rob Krieg
Aviation Branch OIC
Marine Corps Bases Japan