Today is:
14 February 2025


King James arrives in Manila

lebronAGES Aviation Center, Inc. once again has taken part in being a “witness” to history as we provided nothing less than full VIP treatment for the Miami Heat superstar and four time NBA MVP LeBron James’ first trip to the Philippines for Nike’s Witness History tour.

On board Nike Inc.’s business jet GLF V, the NBA Superstar arrived late afternoon. Tight security was requested by the organizers of LeBron’s Manila visit, that no media and news people were allowed access at highly secured AGES hangar at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).

The brief stay of “King James” came to a close as he departed Manila early in the morning of 24 July, once again in privacy away from prying eyes and over eager fans. LeBron James’ promise to return to the Philippines was much earlier than expected as the GLF V, which encountered a minor maintenance issue, had to return to the Balagbag (AGES) Ramp.

As shared by the Philippine Daily Inquirer:

“Upon returning to the hangar, the plane was immediately checked by Ages maintenance crew. Staff at the Ages hangar declined to comment on the nature of the glitch, citing “client privacy” and the “VVIP” (Very, Very Important Person) status accorded by the company to LeBron and his entourage.”

AGES Aviation Center, Inc. is the choice FBO of Nike and many other flight operators like them, who are looking for personalized, professional and premier service in the Philippines. AGES works to always ensure VVIP treatment from start to end and no matter how unique the required services maybe.